Thursday, March 18, 2010

The World's Just Whizzing By...


I suddenly got struck by the feeling of everything just swirling around me... It feels like the world is rushing at me all at once.

But you know what.

I'm taking a stand right now to say that I'm not going to let myself worry. I know that God is faithful to lead me if only I let Him.

I pray that sometime soon
I get a day to just lie in the grass,
in the middle of a huge field,
under a bright blue sky,
and bask in the splendor of the Creator.

I can't remember the last time I took the time to just sit and relax. Whenever I have that opportunity, I always seem to get really antsy and feel like I have to be doing something. I hope that, the next time I get the chance, that feeling would be gone.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Analyzing the Results of Overanalyzing

It's kinda troublesome how sometimes my entire demeanor starts to change as I write a blog post or an e-mail... Maybe it goes to show that no matter how much writing helps me to process, ultimately, if I'm not bringing my thoughts up to God first, I won't be completely at peace... No amount of analyzing and re-analyzing and overanalyzing is able to bring me to peace.

God, help me to turn to your Love first! Be the shoulder that I can cry on! The person that I turn to in my times of distress and frustration! The first person I release my joys to as well! You are my companion Lord, and there will be no one better! I'm claiming that right now Jesus!