Saturday, April 10, 2010

Awesome Student Quotes

Minjoon: Hey MAN! I'm fail!

I cracked up for 2 minutes straight after he said this. :D He had just turned in his vocabulary test with half of the answers blank. I think part of the awesomeness was the accent. :P


Minjoon: Hey! I'm not cunning!
Minjoon: Teacher! He's cunning!

He meant to say cheating. Hahaha


I've been teaching my students using American songs, and so this is something that came up during my lesson today, after listening to "I Want to Hold Your Hand":

Cindy: Teacher! We're just children, we don't know about love!

She had a point... I don't know what I was expecting...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Intimacy - Introduction

Ack! It's been almost a month since I posted something! We need to rectify this!

So! How's it goin'...? I hope you're doing well! Things have been going pretty well on my end. :) The month of March was a pretty rough month all around from what I hear. But praise the Lord! 'Cause we made it through alive! :D

For a while, there I think I was feeling both really aimless and really busy at the same. Even now I have all kinds of things that I feel like I need to take note of and keep in the back of my mind. But you know, the back of my mind only has so much room. At a point the door just wouldn't stay shut any more and I realized that I had to figure out what to do with this mess.

Thankfully, the Lord was telling me that the first thing I need to be doing is seeking Him. Because He is faithful to hear my problems out. And He will give me the answers I need. That gave me a lot of peace. But I don't think I can say that the peace is complete yet...

To be honest, I'm still learning how to be intimate with the Lord, and still learning to hear his voice when he whispers. I'm still way too impatient. I can't sit still and just listen. And oftentimes I can't wait long enough for God to show me His answer, so I act impulsively. I'm still learning...

But hallelujah, I'm working on it! By God's grace I'm starting to get there! I'll definitely keep you all posted on my journey towards greater intimacy with the Lord. :)