Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It is darn cold.

I think it's really amusing that my small group leader at church claims that I am basically him from three years ago. And the funniest part is that usually his comment about that goes something like,
Brady: "Well, I think, if you're like this... which, since you are a younger version of me, is probably the case..."
Me: "Yeah, actually, that pretty much describes me." *laugh*
Brady: "Ok well, from now on I think I'm just going to keep assuming that is the case." *laugh*
It's actually pretty divine that Brady and I were put in the same area of Seoul. Brady has been able to share a lot of wisdom with me, and since we're alike in so many different ways, he's been through a few of my situations and his thoughts are always very appropriate for those situations! I really appreciate Brady a lot. :)

Also, in some exciting news, Kevin, Ira, and Gina (my friends from my building) are coming with me to church this Sunday for Bring a Friend Day!

That is all for now. :) I'm taking out two of the college boys for lunch today, so hopefully that will all go well!

1 comment:

  1. Since this is slowly becoming a blog for my own benefit more than for the benefit of others, I'm going to start using my comments as space for me to write notes about anything that I might have posted.

    -- Lunch with Peter and David was joined by Hanna. That was a pleasant surprise since that was the first time I had the opportunity to have a conversation with her. :) I also took upon myself the challenge of paying for all four of us. I got really nervous because I'm not so slick, and I'm pretty sure they realized what I was doing as I left the table. puahaha. I fail. Next time! I will be more slick!
